About Us

How We Started

Little World Chinese Tuition - 小世界

In the heart of Singapore, a shared dream brought together a group of enthusiastic graduates from NTU's Chinese Studies program. Our varied backgrounds – encompassing native Chinese, Singaporean locals, and Malaysian Chinese – contributed to a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives. Despite our different origins, we were united by a common passion for the Chinese language and its teaching.

At NTU, known for its strong academic focus on Chinese studies, we honed our skills and deepened our appreciation for the language. This foundation was crucial in shaping our paths as educators. Some of us took on the challenge of teaching in MOE schools, while others lent their talents to support children with special needs at the Dyslexia Association of Singapore.

Our journey was marked by a shared understanding: the importance of nurturing young minds during their crucial formative years. As we progressed in our careers, either in MOE or international schools, we recognized the need for a dedicated space where the Chinese language could be taught with both depth and passion. This realization was the catalyst for the creation of Little World Chinese Tuition.

Our Mission

"小世界" - Little World - was born from this collective vision. Our mission transcends beyond teaching; it's about igniting a lifelong love for the Chinese language and culture in the hearts of our students. We strive to create a learning sanctuary where curiosity is nurtured, and every child feels valued and understood. Our approach is holistic, blending academic excellence with an empathetic understanding of each child's unique learning journey.

How We Make a Difference

  • Expertise in Education: With our team's extensive experience in MOE schools and specialized institutions, we bring a wealth of knowledge and innovative teaching methods to our classrooms.

  • A Safe Haven for Learning: Little World is more than just a name – it's our philosophy. We strive to create a 'little world' where children feel safe, valued, and eager to learn. Our classrooms are sanctuaries where young minds can explore the depths of the Chinese language and culture without fear or inhibition.

  • Tailored Learning Experiences: Recognizing that every child is unique, we offer customized learning experiences that cater to individual strengths and challenges. Whether it's mastering the basics or exploring advanced concepts, we are committed to guiding each student on their personal learning journey.

  • Fostering Global Citizens: In today's interconnected world, proficiency in Chinese is not just a skill but a bridge to understanding diverse cultures and perspectives. We prepare our students to be global citizens, equipped with the linguistic tools and cultural awareness to navigate and contribute to a multilingual society.

Join us at Little World Chinese Tuition, where we turn learning into an adventure, and the Chinese language becomes a window to a world of possibilities.

Our Teachers

Jason Leow

Megan L.


Join Our Little World

Ready to give your child a transformative learning experience? Enroll them in Little World Chinese Tuition today and be a part of their journey towards linguistic excellence and cultural appreciation. Click the button below to start your child's adventure in the wonderful world of Chinese learning.

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